Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wild Horse Canyon

Over Memorial Day weekend, we went down to Wild Horse Canyon to visit Jeff and Sara, and to also attend the Family Camp. It was loads of fun, and great to see and hang out with Jeff and Sara, and see her all pregnant.

One of the nights we dressed up like cowboys.

They also had a carnival. This is McKenzie throwing the ping pong balls.

McKenzie enjoying one her prizes that she won.

McKenzie and Shelley doing the ring toss.

Somehow, McKenzie "won" enough tickets to get Uncle Jeff sent to the dunk tank. This is Uncle Jeff's impression of a scared prairie dog.

McKenzie and Daddy getting ready to dunk Uncle Jeff.

McKenzie's first taste of the pink stuff...cotton candy!

Getting ready to saddle up the ol' horse and go for a ride.

McKenzie made friends with a horse named Louie, and really enjoyed a few trips around the corral.

At one point Daddy wasn't paying close enough attention, and McKenzie almost slid off Louie, but she was a trooper. When we had to leave, you would have thought her heart was breaking to leave Louie. All we heard back to the condo was "horsie this and horsie that". A few tears were shed. But the horsie was quickly forgotten when she saw a doggie next door.

Swimming Lessons

Well, we signed McKenzie up for swimming lessons at the YMCA. I quickly realized that they were more "get used to the water" lessongs than actual swimming lessons. But, they are good none-the-less. We sing songs, and McKenzie loves the "Jumper Fish". The first lesson was horrible since she screamed and cried the entire time. But the rest of them, she was wonderful, and really loves the water!