Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fall at the Lake

The other day, we caught a break in between rain showers, and ran down to Lake Sacajawea to take some pictures in the leaves.

I thought I might see what the leaves smell like. Well, kind of like...dirt.

Halloween 2008

Betcha can't guess what I was for Halloween. A ladybug, of course. I was so excited for my costume. I loved it!

I went to see Daddy at work, where they decorate like crazy. I really wanted the candy out of this guys' bowl, but he was kind of scary so I snagged a piece and ran off.

Daddy's department did a Thriller theme, and Daddy was one of the Thriller zombies. Apparently they learned how to do the dance, and filmed it, and if I ever get my hands on it, and figure out this computer thing, I'm definitely posting it on Youtube.

Just checking out the haul.

After Trick or Treating, I took off my costume and tried on some other stuff while kids came to our door for candy. What do you think of my shades?

Carving Pumpkins

Yes! I finally got to sit on the counter. I have been trying to get up here my whole life, and apparently all it takes is pumpkin carving.

Oh man. Those pumpkin guts were gross. I sure like to fling them around though. And I'm definitely not too girly to get dirty and messy when carving.

Maybe next year Daddy will let me use the knife. (Not until you're 16. - Dad)

Punkin Patch

Man, I never knew there were so many pumpkins. How am I supposed to pick just one?

I've narrowed it down to these five pumpkins. I think that Daddy is a little bit impatient. Picking the perfect pumpkin takes time.

Mommy is tickling me in order to make me smile for the camera. Well, I guess it worked even though I tried not to smile.

I also got to go on a hay ride with Daddy that was pulled behind a big tractor. Sooooo cool!


We finally went to Ellensburg to visit Nana and Puppa. We had a great time. As you can see, I am practicing for my MLB pitching career

My Daddy and Puppa went fishing on the Yakima River. This is Puppa's fish. ;)

This is my Daddy's fish. :)

We went down the river and walked in the leaves and had a really fun time.

I really love my Uncle Peter, even if he did smell like he had been out hunting all day.

My Nana made me a really cool house out of sunflowers. I had a little chair in the middle of them and everything.

I love Abby Dog!

Baby Auryn

Just in case you didn't know, I now have a new baby cousin named Auryn. She blongs to my Uncle Jeff and Auntie Sara.

As you can see, she is really cute.

I am really interested in her, and can't wait until my own little baby brother comes along and I can play with him.

This is my Uncle Jeff. We like to be super silly together. My Daddy thinks he is really funny.

The Play Room

Just one of my favorite places to play. Daddy sort of fits in here, and we have lots of fun.

Most days, my Mommy puts something called deodorant on, that smells pretty nice. I think that she puts it on her tummy, but I might be wrong.

All dressed up with nowhere to go.

Birthday Number Two!

So, I had my second birthday, and boy was it fun! All of my friends were there, and a lot of our relatives. We had something called pulled pork, and I got a princess trike, and matching helmet from Auntie Carrie.

This is my awesome Flounder birthday cake that my Daddy made for me. I got to eat one of the bubbles above Flounder's head. Man, was it good!
This year I also blew out my candle, without spitting too much on my cake! Whoo Hoo!
Uncle Peter and Mo gave me a really sweet Play Dough set that I ask to play with everyday. It has a tractor in it and all sorts of really neat stuff.

One of the things that I got the biggest kick out of was the singing Ariel card from Aunt Carrie. It sings "Under the Sea". Every once in awhile when Mommy and Daddy think that I am asleep, I like to pull it out, open it, and freak them out with the sound of Sebastian singing from my bedroom.

My Nana found this rocking horse, and repainted it for my birthday. It is really cool, and I am getting better and better at riding it. Yeehaw!This is the Princess trike that I got. It was such a fun birthday. I can't wait until next year.


Apparently this isn't the kind of bubble tool for blowing, but I'm gonna try it anyways. Just so you know, bubble stuff doesn't taste as good as they look.