Sunday, May 11, 2008


Yesterday, when Daddy and I were eating dinner and watching a "Foofie"(movie), I fell asleep. It's a good thing I didn't fall forward or I could have had Mac n'Cheese in my hair. Oh wait, that sometimes happens even when I'm awake. Nevermind.

At the Park

The other day we got to go back to the park, and guess what? there was a puppy there! I got to pet it a couple times. It was really fuzzy.

Then I got to go on the slides and through the tunnels and on the climbing wall. It was awesome!

Then, I realized that all I wanted to do was pick these really pretty white flowers. And they are like, everywhere! I can't believe that no one else was picking them. Oh well, more for me. I think my Daddy would like me to learn how to pick weeds at home, but I'll keep pretending that I don't know what he's talking about.

This is me not wanting to leave the park.

Pink Boots

I got these really sweet pink boots that I love to wear whenever I can. Check em out!

Dinner at the Gregory's

One Friday, we went to my friend Abby and Hannah Gregory's house for dinner. Daddy was trying out a lens for his camera that he borrowed from someone at work. I don't know what the difference is, but he seems to like what it does.

Me and Alyssa

One night, my Mommie and Daddy were watching me and my friend Alyssa. I was in a really snuggly and huggy mood, and let Daddy snap this picture.

Great Gramma McLeod

After all of the fun in the snow, I went to visit my Great Gramma McLeod. She has some pretty sweet toys, and a lot of rooms to explore. She always seems to have lots of snacks around too.This is me practicing my howler monkey impression. In the wild, this means that I am feeling threatened, and I might attack. But I am just a little girl, so it means I am having a really good time, or my daddy is doing something really dumb, and this is a courtesy laugh. late April!

The day after we went to the tulip fields, I woke up to 4 inches of snow at my Gramma and Grampa's house. We all went outside and had some fun in the white stuff.

This is my Daddy trying to crush me with a huge snowball. It doesn't look like it, but this actually missed me. Boy is he lucky. My Mommy would have been all over him if he hit me!


Post-sneeze. I overheard my Daddy say that he was going to pull out this picture for my Senior party. I sure hope I can figure out how to delete it before then. Pretty amazing picture though.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Share Bear

This is me "sharing" my Care Bear with Maddie Stumbo. My Care Bear smells like pineapple. Yum!

Getting Ready for Work

Every morning, I like to sit down and put my shoes on with Daddy.

The Tulip Fields

Ah yes, the tulip fields of Mt. Vernon! I got to go see both Grammas and Grampas up in Mt Vernon for the weekend. It was really fun, and they loved to play with me. On Saturday, we went to one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen: the Tulip Fields. I loved sniffing the pretty flowers with my Grammas. and running in the rain with my Grampas.

Check out this sweet hat that I stole from my dad. Maybe if I pull it over my eyes he won't be able to see me.

Nuck Time!

Boy do I love Nuck Time. It is one of the highlights of my day. Just zap it in the microwave for 25 seconds dad. That'll do the trick!

The Playground

So, it was a really warm day, so Mommy and Daddy decided to take me down to the Martin's Dock playground at Lake Sacajawea. Lots of people were there with their kids and doggies.

I love the slide, but Daddy gets shocked because of the static electricity buildup. I'm not quite sure what that is, but he doesn't like it.

One thousand one, one thousand two...just kidding. I'm hanging on for dear life because my daddy left me hanging up here while he went to use the bath room. Ok, not really, he is holding me up, you just can't see him in this picture.