Saturday, April 25, 2009

The New Addition

In case you didn't know, on January 9th, 2009, Shelley had a C-section and delivered Riley Matthew Milligan. Here is Mom, hoping that they finish sewing her up because it feels really weird on the other side of that sheet.
Man that stethoscope is cold! Can't you at least warm it up before you touch it to my brand new skin. I think you gave me my first case of Goose Bumps!
Yep, that's right! 8lbs. 15oz. I'm a big boy...
Dr. Mc-something holding his newborn son. 
Only a few minutes old, and already they're doing his prints.
Proud Mom with her little guy.
Manchester United, these are your next goal scorer's feet.
The Big Sister who loves her Baby Brudda.
Our great doctor, Dr. Siraf.

After a couple of extra nights in the hospital we are ready to go home. Yippeeeeee!
The kids.
Big Sister McKenzie loves kissing her little brother Riley all of the time. Especially when he is asleep.


Kathie Milligan said...

See the little baby, lyin' in his daddy's arms,
He's holding him so gently, gazin' at his charm.
As he looks into his eyes, he whispers up a prayer,
"Thank you Jesus for this child,
I'm so glad that you care."
"Riley Matthew, can't you see, Riley, I love you and I'm glad you belong to me."

Anna said...

Hey Big Bro or Dr McFunny!
I love the photo's especially the ones of Mckenzie and Riley. She is so cute kissing him. I love you guys can't wait to meet him.
Love, Anna