Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Christmas Eve Story

Ah yes, Christmas Eve. When young ones are coming down from their sugar cookie high and ready for bed.
McKenzie's super power is that she can grow olives right out of her fingers. 
Watch out "Heroes".
The annual "Kissing of the Christmas Bear".
Hangin' out with Nana and Puppa.
The oh-so-important cookie plate for Santa. Without this, Santa would never have enough energy to make it to all of the houses in one night.
Oops! Do you think Santa goes by the 3-second rule?
I think the saying is "The stars in your eyes, not the stars on your cheeks." But pretty cute anyways.
"Are there any raccoons in this tree?"
Ho! Ho! Ho!
My two beautiful girls.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Can she be any more adorable. She is so cute! I love all of these photo's. I love you matt, you are just the most amazing brother. I love you, shelly, McKenzie , and new little Riley!