Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas 2007

We started off our Christmas holiday at 5:30am Saturday morning with McKenzie throwing up, and Shelley feeling sick to her stomach. We finally got on the road, and after a 5.5 hour drive and having to put chains on for 30-40 miles while going over the pass, we arrived in Ellensburg. Shelley immediately went upstairs to lay down, and the rest of us hung out by the fire and watched a little Planet Earth. Sunday Shelley felt well enough to come downstairs, so we opened some presents, and had a good time with Momaw and Puppa, Peter and Mo, and Anna.

Mckenzie helping Mommie open a present.

Grampa reading to "The Mitten" to McKenzie.

Our little Snow Baby.

Check out those cute teeth!

Milligan Family picture in the Ellensburg snow.

Auntie Anna and McKenzie at Uncle Steve and Aunt Roe's house Christmas night.

We then travelled Sunday night back over the pass to Mt. Vernon, and McKenzie decided to give us an early present by filling her pants and carseat with a messy, smelly poop, right as we pulled into Tom and Suzie's driveway. Merry Christmas!

Family at the Morrow house.

Gramma and Grampa Morrow and McKenzie.

Auntie Carrie, who spoiled McKenzie rotten this Christmas!

McKenzie and her cute little puppy.

McKenzie and her first Barbie.

Auntie Sara showing her Christmas excitement.

Daddy and McKenzie at the Morrows.

Uncle Pheff(Jeff) and Aunt Sara and McKenzie.

Grampa Tom reading Curious George to McKenzie.

We have a window licker.

Either we don't feed her enough, or she likes the taste of glass.

Daddy's little helper taking down the lights.

Saying goodbye to another great Christmas.

Thank you so much everybody for letting us come to your homes and enjoy such a fun Christmas. We appreciate all that you do, and how much you love us and especially McKenzie.

Some Random Happenings

This is our little beaver trying to gnaw her way out of her crib. She has the cutest new teeth, and you can't help but laugh when she smiles. It's infectious.

Gramma No Lips came to visit before Christmas, and got to spend some time reading McKenzie's favorite book to her. The Jan Brett collection is awesome, and keeps her attention for a long time. We were very thankful to Gramma for coming up to visit, and were sorry that we didn't get to see her at Christmas.

One night, Shelley thought we should drive around our neighorhood and take pictures in front of other people's lights. At least we are good friends with these folks, and they sure go all out when it comes to lights. The Griswolds indeed!

McKenzie loves to hang upside down.

This is McKenzie's "Rock Star" look. She's trying to give herself a little harder edge. I told her she should go down and hang out at the main Starbucks and she would fit right in.

Tree Farm

We got together with our good friends the Stumbos for our annual tradition of finding a Christmas tree out at Fern Crest Tree Farms. It is a really neat place to go. They have a petting zoo, and Santa for pictures and coffee and cocoa and a gift shop.

Here is Alyssa Stumbo and McKenzie.

The Family at Fern Crest Tree Farm.

McKenzie petting a pigmy goat.

McKenzie crying after petting super friendly pigmy goat.

McKenzie and Daddy at the tree farm.

McKenzie and Mommie at the tree farm.

Apparently Santa said McKenzie couldn't have a pink ipod for Christmas.

Instead, Santa gave her a candy cane, which she thought was much better anyways.